joshua klapow
Ph.D. Clinical Psychology
Sports Medicine, relationships, stress, burnout, life crisisAbout joshua klapow
It’s what we do or don’t do every day. That’s what impacts our lives more than anything else. The small decisions, actions, and interactions often can have an enormous cumulative effect.
We all need help from time to time navigating our life path. Having a guide is not always necessary, but it can make the journey more fulfilling and meaningful. This is why I do what I do.
Now a little formal background:
Dr. Klapow provides individualized coaching services for a wide variety of life goals. He has been recognized as one of the top performance coaches in the country. He is frequently called on contribute to articles on lifestyle and life optimization. From changes in diet, exercise, stress reduction to work performance optimization, to personal life improvement, Dr. Klapow can design a tailored program for you. His clients have direct and open access to him and each client’s program is designed to meet his/her schedule and goals.
Dr. Klapow is a licensed clinical psychologist, a performance coach and an Adjunct Associate Professor of Public Health at The University of Alabama at Birmingham. Dr. Klapow is also the author of “Living SMART: Lifestyle Change Made Simple” a consumer focused book on lifestyle change.
He received his Ph.D. in Clinical Psychology with a specialization in Behavioral Medicine from the University of California, San Diego in 1995. He also completed a fellowship in Geropsychiatry at the University of California, San Diego in 1996.
Dr. Klapow works extensively with individuals and organizations in the area of performance optimization and life well-being. From athletes to executives, from start-ups to multi-national companies, Dr. Klapow works with clients nationwide to help bring the power of behavioral science to human performance. Dr. Klapow was named by Yahoo Finance as a Top 20 Entrepreneur to Watch in 2020 and featured in Thrive Global for his unique approach to performance coaching.
In addition to his individual work, Dr. Klapow works extensively with media outlets. He routinely provides expert commentary in the role of psychological, behavioral and social factors across a broad range of news topics. Dr. Klapow brings psychological insights to topics including health and well-being, mental health, sports, politics, crisis and disaster, parenting, relationships and more. He has made thousands of media appearances across a variety of television and radio outlets. Notable appearances have included The Weather Channel, ABC Nightly News, The Today Show, BBC World News, NPR Radio, and CBC Radio. He is also the co-host of “The Kurre and Klapow Show” .
Dr. Klapow has a very public persona working with media outlets to disseminate information designed to help the general population improve their overall well-being. That public persona is contrasted with confidential private services for individuals who need tailored guidance and support. It is this combination of public health service and private services that allow Dr. Klapow to “practice what he preaches”.
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